Saturday, May 18, 2013

To Blog or Not to Blog... That is the Question

First, let me thank you for stopping by and seeing what I have to say.  This my first blog post, ever, so forgive me, if it is a bit of rambling.  I have been asked if I have a blog multiple times, and with the answer of no, I get asked to consider doing so.  As I have declared this year to be a year of moving forward with my dreams and passions of reaching others and helping them realize that their life can be huge with the right perspective, I see this as a great step towards this!
This is why I have titled my blog, "Not So Little Life."  Living at the height of 3 and a half feet with multiple physical disabilities, resulting in my reliance of a power chair since the age of 5, one would think I have a simple life.  Thankfully, that is not the case, in the least!  I currently have two jobs in the Nonprofit field serving youth with disabilities in their quest of becoming independent adults.  I have a great family and many friends that make me feel very loved.  I hope to pass on some of the tools that I have gained in my life that assist me in my life perspectives.  I also plan to give you insight to some of the speedbumps that I face, as I embark on this next stage of my life.  I look forward to having you be a part of this journey.


  1. I'm very glad to see you've decided to go ahead and create this blog! I know that you will be able to reach many more people this way and, therefore, be able to help more people. I'm looking forward to reading your future posts!

  2. Cindy, You are a real inspiration to every one who has the opportunity to meet and greet you. I have seen you from afar and have had the opportunity to get to know you close up. You are such and awesome person who does have a very caring heart. You and your mom have shown how to overcome barriers that have been put in your place and then there is Mr. Monty. He is such a sweetie for sure and I can see how it is so easy to love him as though he were your child because he really is. I just wanted to say that YOU ROCK GIRL.Keep on shining like the beautiful stars above and blooming like the most beautiful flower you are. Love You Cindy.

  3. Hey,
    This is great. I know you have a lot of wonderful things to share. I am looking forward to reading your blog!
    ~Angie S.

  4. I look forward to being a part of your journey Cindy. :)

  5. i think this will be so great for you.
    very proud of all you've done.
    we might be small but our lives definitely aren't little!

  6. Hey all! I really appreciate the support from each of you! Thank you for joining me on this journey!
