Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Growth Spurts in Life... Part 3 - Following Your Heart

I know it's been awhile since I last posted.  It's amazing how time can pass by. As I've been opening myself to personal growth spurts to equip me for the opportunities to come, I've been amazed at what has been transpiring in my life. This most recent growth spurt, the biggest that I've had so far, came to action about two months. 
Let me start by saying that I fully admit that I have been a control-freak for most of my life. Having conversations with other people with disabilities about this characteristic, I've come to learn that it is a common thread of people with disabilities. Having a disability, especially from childhood, teaches you that you need to make sure things are where you can access them, that you're not left in an extra vulnerable state and that you are prepared for a multitude of different scenarios as life does not always go as planned. Since coming to this realization of the root of my control needs, I've been comforted to have this understanding, but I've also started filtering my control needs and over-thinking. While it's rooted in my "survival-ish" needs, it has a tendency to take over other aspects of my life, where control is not only unnecessary but sometimes hindering. 
I've said all of that to say that when you open yourself to grow, you will be amazed at what comes!  I've been blessed to have steady employment,since graduating high school, in a field where I get to help youth with disabilities reach their potential. I've had a a desire, a calling of sorts, that I'm to continue my service to others in a different way, through outreach, training, motivational and other avenues that are broader, a way that could reach more families and be more impacting. I've felt this for some time and have tried satisfying it through adding a part-time contract of that work. I kept telling myself that it is too risky to walk away from a steady job, that I have to responsible.  While I enjoyed my youth, it became more and more apparent of what I needed to be doing.  Finally, two months ago, I made the decision that it was time to give it my all and leave my comfort zone of the steady job.  Once I made that decision, I was filled with a peace that was and still is amazing!!  I didn't know how I was going to meet my needs, but that peace told me it would all be alright!!  And it has been alright!  I have been blessed to be given opportunities immediately following my decision.  Needs are being met.  I'm working hard and long hours, but I'm truly loving what I'm doing. With presentations at 2 national conferences in my near future and other opportunities ahead, I'm so happy that I followed my heart!  There will still be rough days and times, but I'm comforted in knowing I'm following my heart and growing as a human. 
What about you?  Are you stifling that voice that wants you to do something out of your comfort zone?  Why?  Stop stifling and listen to it. Once you make the decision to follow it, you will wonder why you fought it for so long!  You'll be amazed at the person you grow to be. I know I am.
As always, thank you for reading!  Please be sure to subscribe and share with your friends!!

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