Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Coming Out of It a Stronger Person

Below is a blog that I started in late November after getting my heart broken. I had to finish working on healing myself before I could publish it for others to see. I hope that it may help you to use your hurt as a learning opportunity.
You know what?  Sometimes life can suck!!  Now I try not to talk like that or let my mind go there, but sometimes it's just the truth and needs to be acknowledged to pass it.  It is true, though.  Overall, I have a wonderful life!  I am blessed with family and friends who truly care about me and add value to my life.  I am also able to make a living doing what I love helping to mold the next generation.  
I'm a young, single lady, also. While I'm blessed to have a professional life that exceeds most people my age, it doesn't take away that desire many of us have to have a special person to share in the good and bad.  Another relevant truth in my life is that I have a very evident physical disability that doesn't allow for typical, cute, simple flirting or dating to be a casual occurrence in my world. In fact, simple is a rare descriptor in any aspect of my life.  This being said, when I am dating someone I can't help but take it seriously.  To get to dating means that we’ve surpassed a bunch of hurdles in addition to the hurdles that are typical when two humans interact.  So when my heart was broken in November out of nowhere, I have to admit it broke me a bit.  It was active period for me professionally, so I, of course, avoided what I was feeling and thinking for awhile.  I couldn’t keep the typical girl thoughts from swarming my mind, though. Thinking what did I do, what was wrong with me, will I ever find Mr. Right & how can I open myself to someone again.  I wrestled with those internally for a bit until I finally said, “That’s enough! This not who I am.”  I evaluated the good that came from that relationship.  He helped me accept my right to speak my personal wants when I often felt it was rude to not put everyone else before mine.  I will always be thankful for the good things I learned in this relationship.  I, also, saw the parts I had hid from myself, seeing why we didn't need to be together.  I know there will be others, but it is my responsibility to come out of each experience a better person.
Life has its good and bad.  How you choose to come out of those experiences determines the quality of your life.  You must first acknowledge what you’re feeling.  It is human and healthy to feel a spectrum of feelings.  Just remember to not allow it to turn you into someone you don’t want to be.   As always, I encourage the use of music in dealing with feelings.  Songs celebrating strength and personal, individual awesomeness are great for getting out of the funk!  Below check out a song that really resonated with me in my final stages of re-claiming my awesomeness. 

My favorite set of lines is “Now every morning; There is no more mourning oh I; Can finally see myself again; I know I am enough; Possible to be loved; It was not about me; Now I have to rise above; Let the universe call the bluff; Yeah the truth will set you free."

I want to end saying that I am truly thankful for the life that I have.  I'm thankful for those closest to me that were a sounding board when I needed one.  I know that I'm surrounded by great friends and family that truly love me.  I am sharing this experience in hopes of providing encouragement for those going through similar things.


  1. Cindy, this is an awesome statement you have made. Life is so rough sometims and I can just imagine how rough it is for you but you know what, you are not alone in this because so many times we let our guard down and end up disappointed and then it is even harder. I have had to learn that when they hand you lemons, make the biggest pitcher of lemonade and show them you are on the top tier. Don't let it get you down, just jump ack up on the pony and ride.Everything will be a okay
